If you need to pin BACK to 7.1 click HERE
Step 1
System mute XTAs and confirm ALL outputs are muted on ALL units. Then head over to the Left/Right amp rack.
Step 2
Step 3
Unpin ALL NL4 cables from the four Lab Gruppen amplifiers in the Left/Right amp rack.
Step 4
We will take the yellow cables that are already plugged into the Lab Gruppens and one by one pin them to the XTA outputs. We start with the top Lab Gruppen (Top LG) and work our way to the bottom Lab Gruppen (Fourth LG)
Pin This Yellow XLR Cable | To This XTA Output |
Top LG Ch A | Top XTA Output 1 |
Top LG Ch B | Top XTA Output 2 |
Second LG Ch A | Top XTA Output 3 |
Second LG Ch B | Top XTA Output 4 |
Third LG Ch A | Bottom XTA Output 1 |
Third LG Ch B | Bottom XTA Output 2 |
Fourth LG Ch A | Bottom XTA Output 3 |
Fourth LG Ch B | Bottom XTA Output 4 |
Step 5
Okay, this is the weird part. Loading the monitor XTA file and going online… Due to a bug in AudioCore, we have to go online twice. This bug seems to only happen when modifying the device type, which we do in the monitor program.
Follow these sub-steps:
- Launch Audio Core Ap
- Load file (This Computer -> C: -> XTA Settings -> Monitors SP25 -> SL Mons – Processed Martin)
- Click On Line and send current settings only
- Once you are ONLINE, click On Line again to go OFFLINE
- Once you are OFFLINE, click On Line again and send current settings only
- Now that you have gone online twice, click System MUTE multiple times to confirm that ALL XTA units mute and unmute. Specifically, we need to make sure that the Left/Right XTA units (IDs 1-2) are responding to system mute, as well as the top unit in the rack next to the SD8 (ID 7)
- If units are not responding, redo sub-steps 1-6
Step 6
Pin desired console to XTA inputs as follows:
Monitor Mix | XTA Location | XTA ID | XTA Input |
1 (Wedge) | L/R Amp Rack | ID 1 | Input A |
2 (Wedge) | L/R Amp Rack | ID 1 | Input B |
3 (Wedge) | L/R Amp Rack | ID 2 | Input A |
4 (Wedge) | L/R Amp Rack | ID 2 | Input B |
Drum Fill | FOH Rack | ID 7 | Input A (Purple XLR – SD8 Local 5) |
Side Fill SL | Rear HL Amp Rack | ID 5 | 1Input A (Purple XLR – SD8 Local 7) |
Side Fill SR | Rear HL Amp Rack | ID 6 | Input A (Purple XLR – SD8 Local 8) |
Step 7
Pin wedges to amp channels. There are four NL4 cables located on the ground near the Left/Right amp rack labeled with yellow tape mix 1 – mix 4. Since these wedges are bi-amped, we are pinning these NL4 cables to channel A on all amps because the channel A output on the FP6400s/FP3600s are wired with channel A on pinset 1 and channel B on pinset 2.
Pin wedges as follows:
Pin This NL4 | To This Amp Channel |
Mix 1 | Top LG Ch A |
Mix 2 | Second LG Ch A |
Mix 3 | Third LG Ch A |
Mix 4 | Fourth LG Ch A |
Step 8
IF using sidefills, there are 3 more things we need to unpin and repin.
- Unpin the rear house left NL8 from the WT3 and pin that NL8 to the NL8 barrel adapter on the ground behind it.
- Unpin the rear house left NL4 cables from the WS218X sub
- Unpin house right NL8 from WT3 and pin the sidefill NL8 to the WT3
- Unpin both NL4 cables from the house right WS218X sub and pin the sidefill NL4 cables to that WS218X sub (Up/down pinning doesn’t matter)